• Mantra, Kirtan and Stotra: Sanskrit Chants Podcast

    Bhakti chants Sat Chit Ananda Guru

    Sat Chit Ananda Guru
    Sat Chit Ananda
    Sat Chit Ananda Guru
    Sat Chit Ananda

    Ananda Guru Om
         A                  D
    Sivananda Guru Om
    Ananda Guru Om
            A              Hm
    Sivananda Guru Om

    Performed by Bhakti from Mantra Circle

    You can share the video with others, to spread love and harmony.🌍💞
    This way you actively help to spread yoga around the world. You can also support us with a donation which helps us keep our association alive. 🙏
    Mantra/ kirtan chanting is a wonderful practice to open the heart and to feel divine presence.

    Follow us on our other online channels:

    ⚛️ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YogaVidya
    ⚛️ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yogavidya_de

    Kirbanu sings Aham Prema at the Yoga Vidya Music Festival 2024

    A wonderful kirtan performed by Kirbanu. This is part of her concert during the Musikfestival in May 2024 in Horn-Bad Meinberg.

    Find out more of Kirbanu by visiting https://kirbanu.com or https://www.youtube.com/@Kirbanu/videos

    You can share the audio with others, to spread love and harmony.🌍💞 This way you actively help to spread yoga around the world. You can also support us with a donation which helps us keep our association alive. 🙏

    Mantra/ kirtan chanting is a wonderful practice to open the heart and to feel the divine presence

    Follow us on our other online channels:
    ⚛️ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YogaVidya/
    ⚛️ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yogavidya_de/


    Jaya Radha Madhava & Maha Mantra by Devi from Mantra Circle

    Dm            F      C               G
    jaya radha-madhava jaya kunja-bihari
             Dm            F       C                     G
    jaya gopi-jana-vallabha jaya giri-vara-dhari
           Dm          F        C             G
    yashoda-nandana braja-jana-ranjana
                 Dm   F  C       G
    jamuna-tira- – vana-chari
              Dm                     F          C                       G
    hare krishna, hare krishna, krishna krishna, hare hare
              Dm              F        C                  G
    hare rama, hare rama, rama rama, hare hare

    Performed by Devi

    „Jaya Radha Madhava“ is a Krishna Kirtan, a kirtan that connects you to the joy and love of Krishna.
    Oh Radha, oh Madhava (Krishna), you bring joy in the jungle of life. Oh Krishna, let my love for you grow. You gladden my heart.
    The „Maha Mantra“ is a great mantra for experiencing the divine. It opens the heart and leads to the experience of love and joy. Om reverence to the Divine in his manifestations as Vishnu, Krishna and Rama

    You can share the audio with others, to spread love and harmony.🌍💞
    This way you actively help to spread yoga around the world. You can also support us with a donation which helps us keep our association alive. 🙏
    Mantra/ kirtan chanting is a wonderful practice to open the heart and to feel divine presence.

    Follow us on our other online channels:

    ⚛️ Facebook: facebook.com/YogaVidya
    ⚛️ Instagram: instagram.com/yogavidya_de

    Sri Rama Rama Rameti by Ramani

    śrī rāma rāma rāmeti
    rame rāme manorame
    sahasra-nāma tat tulyaṃ
    rāma-nāma varānane

    (Capo 1 | transpose: C, D#, A#, C)

    Shiva says to Parvati:
    chanting Rama, Rama gladdens the mind
    o, the one who delights (Parvati)
    thousand names of Vishnu are the same as
    chanting name of Rama, O, beautiful faced one (Parvati)

    „Om Shri Rama Rama Rameti“ is a mantra that is also known as an anti-burnout mantra, a mantra for regaining energy, inspiration and joy.

    performed by Ramani

    You can share the audio with others, to spread love and harmony.🌍💞
    This way you actively help to spread yoga around the world. You can also support us with a donation which helps us keep our association alive. 🙏
    Mantra/ kirtan chanting is a wonderful practice to open the heart and to feel divine presence
    Follow us on our other online channels:

    ⚛️ Facebook: facebook.com/YogaVidya
    ⚛️ Instagram: instagram.com/yogavidya_de

    Chandrika & Ludwig sing Namastasyai Namo Namaha | Satsang excerpt

    Namas Tasyai Namas Tasyai

    Namas Tasyai Namo Namah

    Om Shanti Om

    This is a cover from Sundaram and you can find the original on sundaram.de/produkt/namastasyai-namastasyai/.

    You can share the audio with others, to spread love and harmony.🌍💞

    This way you actively help to spread yoga around the world. You can also support us with a donation which helps us keep our association alive. 🙏

    Mantra/ kirtan chanting is a wonderful practice to open the heart and to feel divine presence

    Follow us on our other online channels:

    ⚛️ Facebook: facebook.com/YogaVidya

    ⚛️ Instagram: instagram.com/yogavidya_de